Monday, April 9, 2018

Radio, various

As a radio amateur I build a lot of my own gear.  I lean toward small or specific capability
usually SSB and QRP power levels.  So far  have many for every band from 80M though 2M.

QRP SSB is fun.

Of all the one I've designed my 6M Crunchproof was a rig built for 6M contesting
and harsh (RFI) environments.  Features A 36mhz image rejecting DC IF  for single
conversion and matching image reject transmitter.  It incorporates feature needed to
allow working in the same band with a high power stations close by physically
and in frequency.

Also I like to build kits and a few favorites are:

WM20, a 3W SSB for 20M my second 20M rig, small and compact.

KNQ7A a Chinese kitted design for a simple 40M radio that copies many before it.

1W,  a kitsandparts design, the rare in my collection as its 40M CW only but a really nice radio.
 I packaged it on a wood trinket box and has enough room for a battery , paddle, and antenna
making a compact portable rig.

Slop Bucket 20, fun name for SSB back in the 60s.  A very nice 7W SSB on a very small board.
It to goes in a box to be a complet station in a small box for portable use when I care to.

Any of mine published?

No, like many of the one off designs a schematic even if available would be at best only part of the story.  That radio was a one off as a solution to a problem and was a mechanical tour de force for shielding.  There are 8 boxes and some have further shielding.  Like many of the HB radios the though of publish was not in mind and as a result if many pages in the lab notebook and no pictures.  Documenting at this point would take longer than building and that does not take into account more than 12 years of parts going to unobtainium.  Like many
designs Layout and construction is everything. Do it badly and a good design is

Maybe next time.

1 comment:

  1. Allison, Do you have a schematic published for that Crunchproof?
    Dan, W2DLC
